Thursday, August 18, 2011

Why Are Guys So Stupid?

So I've been wondering about this for a long time...frick I'm so tired of telemarketers calling me in the middle of blogging! I should have never tried to win that "free" Walmart girt card! Anywho's back to my topic I just don't get guys. So a friend messages me "hey do you know this number?" "Um no" "Oh well it called my girlfriends number so I thought you might know" "Well is she friends with Kodi (my cousin) or Alesha" He doesn't respond to this instead he says "Well it had your number in it and a whole bunch of others". Okay number 1. I don't even know your girlfriends number and 2. Why didn't you just call it you idiot? Also it seems that guys really don't understand personal space? For example alot of guys that I know want to constantly text and message. Why do you think my facebook shows me offline? I don't want to talk to people is what you should get out of that even though I really mean I don't want to talk to YOU therefore I don't want you to know I'm online. Why is it that everytime you want to get together I say "Well I'm with my sister" or "I'm busy that day," it shows I don't want to be alone with you. You should get the point and realize I don't like you and therefore that's why I'm making stupid lies. Why don't guys understand that? I get when people don't feel like messaging and so I stop and never message again unless they message me first. I don't want to talk to you 24/7. I just don't. I'm not trying to be a b***h I just feel uncomfortable around you and don't know how to say "Hey I don't like all". Even when I've given you the friends speech and I've mentioned I never want to date...ever, you still bring up the prospect of having a picnic on top of a hill. I will never understand the process of a boy's brain and boy's will never understand the process of a girl's brain. I really wish there was some type of manual though. Sorry for my ranting! =)

1 comment:

  1. Well, as for the first part. I think the problem with guys is they don't get hints. Being with Tyty this long has made me really made me realize that subtle things don't work. I mean I had heard it in movies, thought it'd work out anyways, but it doesn't. So I think that even though it'll feel like you're being rude the best thing you can do is just be direct and say, "I don't like to text message" or "I just don't feel like going anywhere" because guys don't take things as personally. And as for the endy part, sucks for you haaha. That last boy just doesn't get it. ;p
